Royal Atlantic Livestock LLC.

Is a growing entity that consolidated a number of corporations under one umbrella with the objective of better serving our global client base. The synergies between the different partner companies and principals are utilized to advance the shared core value of improving as many lives as possible- either directly through improved agricultural practices or indirectly through improved human nutrition.

Our portfolio of offerings includes not only live breeding and feeder cattle from North America, Europe and South America, but also farm equipment such as fans and bedding, consulting services to green field investment projects, veterinarian and nutrition-based consulting, structuring finance options for buyers in high-interest rate markets, and assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF and gender sorted semen.

Combined, the executive team of Royal Atlantic Livestock LLC has delivered over 100,000 females to international markets on five continents and is proud to have satisfied clients in Mexico, Canada, Turkey, Qatar, Vietnam, Russia, Egypt, Philippines and elsewhere along with having the unique distinction of sourcing and delivering one of the highest genomic herds in the world  with over 15,000 U.S. Holsteins females delivered safely to different farms around the world and genomically evaluated by Zoetis and found to be exceeding +1,900 GTPI. The success of the projects has been seen during the initial twelve months of production with management benchmarks for production, reproduction efficiency, somatic cell score, calf survivability, et al. matching top international herds and first-generation calves being born that exceed +2,500 GTPI.

In addition to Simmental breeding heifers from Europe and South America, Jersey from the United States and Australia, Charolais and Limousine heifers from Europe, the United States and Brazil, and of course Holstein from Europe and the United States, Royal Atlantic Livestock LLC and its commercial partners such as University of Pennsylvania and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can offer technology transfer and management support as needed.

With that said, ultimately vision is not enough and in order for and Royal Atlantic Livestock LLC to make the pivot to large scale and impactful projects- the ability to perform and deliver is crucial. We feel our partners, in the United States, Europe, Australia and South America understand the need to not only meet the immediate needs of a dairy and beef farms but also introduce genetics, business models and support that have a more substantial impact than current development models and provide returns to farms over the next five, ten, twenty and even fifty years.